Smart home technology is changing the way people live, work, and play. It is also transforming the real estate industry, as more buyers are looking for homes that offer convenience, efficiency, security, and comfort. In this article, we will explore how smart home technology can increase your property value and appeal to buyers, and what the future holds for smart homes.

1. Smart Technology and Real Estate: How the Real Estate Industry Has Changed Thanks to Smart Technology

Smart technology refers to devices and systems that can communicate with each other and be controlled remotely via the internet. Examples of smart technology include smart thermostats, smart lighting, smart locks, smart cameras, smart speakers, smart appliances, and smart security systems.

Smart technology has changed the real estate industry in several ways. First, it has created a new market segment of buyers who are interested in smart homes. According to a survey by Coldwell Banker, 77% of buyers want smart home technology in their next home, and 57% would pay more for a home with smart features. Second, it has increased the expectations of buyers, who now demand more functionality, convenience, and customization from their homes. Third, it has created new opportunities for sellers, who can use smart technology to showcase their homes, attract more buyers, and increase their selling price.

2. Smart Home and Energy Efficiency: How Smart Technology Can Help Save Energy and Money

One of the main benefits of smart home technology is that it can help save energy and money. Smart home devices can monitor and adjust the temperature, lighting, and appliances in your home, based on your preferences, schedule, and weather conditions. For example, a smart thermostat can learn your habits and adjust the temperature accordingly, saving you up to 15% on your heating and cooling bills. A smart lighting system can turn off the lights when you leave a room, or dim them when you watch a movie, saving you up to 20% on your lighting bills. A smart appliance can run at off-peak hours, or notify you when it needs maintenance, saving you up to 10% on your appliance bills.

By saving energy and money, smart home technology can also increase your property value and appeal to buyers. According to a study by the National Association of Home Builders, energy efficiency is one of the top features that buyers look for in a home, and they are willing to pay an average of $10,732 more for a home that has energy-efficient features. Moreover, smart home technology can also help you obtain a higher energy rating for your home, which can boost your home's marketability and value.

3. Security and Smart Home: How Smart Technology Can Increase Security in Your Home

Another benefit of smart home technology is that it can increase security in your home. Smart home devices can monitor and protect your home from intruders, fire, flood, and other hazards. For example, a smart lock can allow you to lock and unlock your door remotely, or grant access to guests or service providers. A smart camera can record and stream live video of your home, or alert you of any suspicious activity. A smart smoke detector can detect and notify you of any smoke or fire in your home, or trigger the sprinklers or alarm. A smart water sensor can detect and notify you of any water leak or flood in your home, or shut off the water supply.

By increasing security in your home, smart home technology can also increase your property value and appeal to buyers. According to a survey by Coldwell Banker, security is one of the main reasons why buyers want smart home technology in their next home, and 72% of buyers would pay more for a home with smart security features. Moreover, smart home technology can also help you lower your insurance premiums, as some insurance companies offer discounts for homes that have smart security devices.

4. Comfort and Luxury: How Smart Home Technology Can Make Your Life More Comfortable

Another benefit of smart home technology is that it can make your life more comfortable. Smart home devices can enhance your entertainment, wellness, and lifestyle, by creating personalized and immersive experiences. For example, a smart speaker can play your favorite music, podcasts, or audiobooks, or answer your questions or commands. A smart TV can stream your favorite shows, movies, or games, or adjust the picture and sound quality to your liking. A smart mattress can adjust the firmness, temperature, and elevation of your bed, or track your sleep quality and health. A smart mirror can display your calendar, weather, news, or social media, or give you beauty tips and feedback.

By making your life more comfortable, smart home technology can also increase your property value and appeal to buyers. According to a survey by Coldwell Banker, comfort is one of the main reasons why buyers want smart home technology in their next home, and 71% of buyers would pay more for a home with smart comfort features. Moreover, smart home technology can also help you create a unique and memorable impression on buyers, who will appreciate the added value and luxury of your home.

5. Integration with Smart Devices: How Smart Home Technology Can Interact with Other Smart Devices

Another benefit of smart home technology is that it can interact with other smart devices, creating a seamless and connected ecosystem. Smart home devices can communicate with each other and with your smartphone, tablet, laptop, smartwatch, or voice assistant, allowing you to control and monitor your home from anywhere, anytime. For example, you can use your smartphone to check the status of your smart devices, or receive notifications or alerts from them. You can use your tablet to view the live video of your smart camera, or adjust the settings of your smart devices. You can use your laptop to access the data and reports of your smart devices, or create schedules and routines for them. You can use your smartwatch to unlock your smart lock, or activate your smart devices with a gesture. You can use your voice assistant to control your smart devices with your voice, or ask them questions or commands.

By interacting with other smart devices, smart home technology can also increase your property value and appeal to buyers. According to a survey by Coldwell Banker, integration is one of the main reasons why buyers want smart home technology in their next home, and 66% of buyers would pay more for a home with smart integration features. Moreover, smart home technology can also help you cater to different types of buyers, who have different preferences and needs for their smart devices.

6. Added Value for Smart Home: How Smart Home Technology Can Increase Your Property Value

As we have seen, smart home technology can offer many benefits for homeowners and buyers, such as saving energy and money, increasing security, enhancing comfort and luxury, and enabling integration with other smart devices. These benefits can also translate into added value for your property, as smart home technology can make your home more attractive, functional, and competitive in the market. According to a study by the Consumer Technology Association, smart home technology can increase the value of a home by up to 5%, depending on the type and number of smart devices installed. Moreover, smart home technology can also help you sell your home faster, as buyers are more likely to be interested in and impressed by a home that has smart features.

7. The Future for Smart Homes: How Smart Homes Will Be in the Future and How They Will Affect the Real Estate Industry

Smart home technology is not a passing trend, but a growing and evolving phenomenon that will shape the future of homes and real estate. According to a report by Statista, the global smart home market is expected to reach $141 billion by 2023, with over 1.6 billion smart home devices in use. Moreover, smart home technology is expected to become more advanced, affordable, and accessible, as new innovations and developments emerge. Some of the trends and predictions for the future of smart homes include:

- Artificial intelligence and machine learning: Smart home devices will become more intelligent and autonomous, as they will be able to learn from your behavior and preferences, and adapt to your needs and situations. For example, a smart thermostat will be able to adjust the temperature based on your mood, activity, or health. A smart fridge will be able to order groceries based on your consumption, budget, or diet. A smart assistant will be able to anticipate your requests, or make suggestions or recommendations.

- Internet of things and 5G: Smart home devices will become more connected and integrated, as they will be able to communicate with each other and with other devices and systems, using the internet of things and 5G technology. For example, a smart car will be able to communicate with your smart home, and prepare it for your arrival or departure. A smart city will be able to communicate with your smart home, and provide you with information or services. A smart grid will be able to communicate with your smart home, and optimize the energy supply and demand.

- Virtual reality and augmented reality: Smart home devices will become more immersive and interactive, as they will be able to create virtual and augmented reality experiences. For example, a smart headset will be able to transport you to a different place or time, or let you experience something new or different. A smart wall will be able to project any image or scene, or change the appearance of your home. A smart mirror will be able to create a virtual fitting room, or a virtual personal trainer.

The future of smart homes will also affect the future of real estate, as smart home technology will become more prevalent, desirable, and influential in the market. Some of the implications and opportunities for the future of real estate include:

- Smart home certification and valuation: Smart home technology will require new standards and methods for certifying and valuing homes, as smart home features will become more important and influential in the market. For example, there may be a need for a smart home certification or rating system, that can measure and verify the quality, functionality, and compatibility of smart home devices and systems. There may also be a need for a smart home valuation or appraisal method, that can assess and quantify the added value and benefits of smart home technology for a home.

- Smart home marketing and selling: Smart home technology will create new challenges and opportunities for marketing and selling homes, as smart home features will become more attractive and competitive in the market. For example, there may be a need for a smart home marketing or selling strategy, that can highlight and demonstrate the features and benefits of smart home technology for a home. There may also be a need for a smart home education or training program, that can inform and educate buyers and sellers about the features and benefits of smart home technology for a home.

- Smart home customization and personalization: Smart home technology will enable more customization and personalization for homes, as smart home features will become more adaptable and flexible in the market. For example, there may be a need for a smart home customization or personalization service, that can help buyers and sellers to design and install smart home devices and systems that suit their needs and preferences. There may also be a need for a smart home migration or transfer service, that can help buyers and sellers to move and transfer their smart home devices and systems from one home to another.


Smart home technology is a powerful and promising phenomenon that can increase your property value and appeal to buyers. By offering benefits such as energy efficiency, security, comfort, luxury, and integration, smart home technology can make your home more attractive, functional, and competitive in the market. Moreover, smart home technology can also prepare your home for the future, as smart home technology will become more advanced, affordable, and accessible, and will shape the future of homes and real estate. Therefore, investing in smart home technology can be a smart decision for your home and your wallet.
