Chamomile is a popular herb that is often used to make tea, but did you know that it can also benefit your skin? Chamomile has soothing, healing, and anti-inflammatory properties that can help calm and improve your skin condition. In this article, we will explore how chamomile can help you with various skin issues, and how you can use it in your daily skin care routine.


One of the main benefits of chamomile for your skin is that it can act as a natural soother. Chamomile can reduce irritation and sensitivity, which are common problems for many skin types. Chamomile can also help with skin conditions such as eczema, rosacea, and dermatitis, by relieving inflammation and itching.

Chamomile can soothe your skin by:

- Containing bisabolol, a compound that has anti-irritant and anti-inflammatory effects.

- Containing chamazulene, a compound that has anti-allergic and anti-histaminic effects.

- Containing apigenin, a flavonoid that has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.


Chamomile contains several active compounds that can help soothe and improve your skin condition. Some of the most important ones are:

- Bisabolol: Bisabolol is a natural alcohol that is found in chamomile and other plants. It has anti-irritant, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial properties. It can help reduce redness, swelling, and pain, and promote wound healing. It can also enhance the penetration of other ingredients into the skin, making them more effective.

- Chamazulene: Chamazulene is a blue-colored compound that is formed during the distillation of chamomile. It has anti-allergic, anti-histaminic, and anti-inflammatory properties. It can help prevent and treat allergic reactions, such as rashes, hives, and itching. It can also inhibit the production of leukotrienes, which are inflammatory mediators that can cause skin damage.

- Apigenin: Apigenin is a yellow-colored flavonoid that is found in chamomile and other plants. It has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anti-cancer properties. It can help reduce inflammation and oxidative stress, which are major causes of skin aging and disease. It can also modulate the expression of genes that are involved in skin function and repair.


Chamomile can also be used to treat various skin inflammations, such as eczema, psoriasis, and allergic dermatitis. Chamomile can help by:

- Providing hydration and nourishment to the skin, which can prevent dryness and flaking.

- Balancing the skin's pH level, which can prevent bacterial growth and infection.

- Stimulating the skin's blood circulation, which can improve the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the skin cells.

- Regulating the skin's immune system, which can prevent excessive or chronic inflammation.

Some examples of how to use chamomile to treat skin inflammations are:

- Applying chamomile oil or cream to the affected areas, twice a day, until the symptoms subside.

- Soaking a cotton pad or cloth in chamomile tea or extract, and applying it to the affected areas, for 15 to 20 minutes, twice a day, until the symptoms subside.

- Adding a few drops of chamomile essential oil to your bath water, and soaking in it for 20 to 30 minutes, once a day, until the symptoms subside.


Chamomile can also have a soothing effect on your skin that is affected by stress and anxiety. Stress and anxiety can have negative impacts on your skin, such as:

- Causing hormonal imbalances, which can lead to acne, oiliness, or dryness.

- Triggering inflammation, which can lead to redness, irritation, or sensitivity.

- Impairing the skin's barrier function, which can lead to dehydration, infection, or sensitivity.

- Accelerating the skin's aging process, which can lead to wrinkles, sagging, or dullness.

Chamomile can help by:

- Providing a relaxing and calming aroma, which can reduce stress and anxiety levels.

- Inducing a sedative and hypnotic effect, which can improve sleep quality and quantity.

- Improving the skin's mood and appearance, which can boost self-esteem and confidence.

Some examples of how to use chamomile to soothe your skin that is affected by stress and anxiety are:

- Drinking chamomile tea before bedtime, to relax your mind and body, and promote a restful sleep.

- Applying chamomile oil or cream to your face and neck, before bedtime, to relax your facial muscles and nerves, and improve your skin's appearance.

- Using chamomile candles or diffusers, in your bedroom or living room, to create a soothing and cozy atmosphere, and reduce stress and anxiety levels.


Chamomile can also act as a natural cleanser for your skin, by providing anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory benefits. Chamomile can help by:

- Removing dirt, oil, and makeup, without stripping your skin of its natural oils and moisture.

- Killing bacteria and fungi, that can cause acne, infection, or odor.

- Reducing inflammation and irritation, that can result from cleansing or shaving.

Some examples of how to use chamomile as a natural cleanser are:

- Washing your face with chamomile tea or extract, twice a day, in the morning and evening, to cleanse and refresh your skin.

- Using chamomile soap or cleanser, twice a day, in the morning and evening, to cleanse and nourish your skin.

- Spraying chamomile water or toner, on your face and neck, after cleansing, to balance and hydrate your skin.


Chamomile can also be found in many skin care products, such as creams, lotions, serums, masks, and more. These products can help you incorporate chamomile into your daily skin care routine, and enhance its soothing and improving effects. Some ideas on how to use skin care products with chamomile are:

- Using a moisturizer with chamomile, after cleansing, to hydrate and soothe your skin.

- Using a serum with chamomile, before moisturizing, to target specific skin concerns, such as redness, inflammation, or aging.

- Using a mask with chamomile, once or twice a week, to provide a more intensive and luxurious treatment for your skin.


To use chamomile effectively for your skin, you should follow these tips:

- Choose the right type of chamomile: There are two types of chamomile that are commonly used for skin care, Roman chamomile and German chamomile. Roman chamomile is more gentle and soothing, while German chamomile is more potent and anti-inflammatory. You should choose the type that suits your skin type and your skin goals.

- Choose the right form of chamomile: Chamomile can be used in different forms, such as fresh or dried flowers, tea or extract, oil or cream, and more. You should choose the form that is convenient and effective for you. Generally, fresh or dried flowers are more natural and pure, but they require more preparation and storage. Tea or extract are more easy and ready to use, but they may have less concentration and potency. Oil or cream are more concentrated and potent, but they may have more additives and preservatives.

- Combine chamomile with other ingredients: Chamomile can work well with other ingredients, such as honey, aloe vera, or lavender, to enhance its benefits and synergize its effects. You can look for products that contain chamomile and other complementary ingredients, or mix them yourself, to create your own customized formula.


Chamomile is a wonderful herb that can soothe and improve your skin in many ways. It can help you with skin irritation, inflammation, infection, and aging, and make your skin look more calm and healthy. You can use chamomile in various forms and methods, and enjoy its sweet and relaxing effects. Chamomile is a simple and effective solution for your skin care needs, and you can try it today and see the difference for yourself.
