Piercing represents a profound form of expression that transcends time and cultures. It encompasses various styles and requires following specific guidelines before embarking on it. In this article, we will take a look at the history and types of piercing, focusing on the need for caution and awareness of potential risks to ensure the safety of the process.


Piercing is the process of inserting jewelry or ornaments into the human body through a hole in the skin. It can be done in various body parts such as ears, nose, tongue, lips, eyebrows, navel, and other areas. Shapes and types of piercings vary depending on the area pierced and the jewelry used, including rings, studs, barbells, and more. Piercings are a common form of self-expression, allowing individuals to choose specific body locations to express their personal taste and individuality.


The history of piercing dates back thousands of years, with the Middle East and Asia being significant regions where piercing culture thrived in ancient times. Studies suggest that piercing was practiced in ancient Egypt and appeared in other ancient civilizations across the Arabian Peninsula, India, and China. Piercing also holds a longstanding cultural significance in various indigenous cultures worldwide, where piercings and jewelry were part of cultural and spiritual traditions. However, piercing culture is believed to have spread globally throughout history, without a single country as its exclusive place of origin.


There are several types of piercing, among them are:


There are various types of ear piercing, including:

- *Earlobe Piercing:

   - A hole is made in the earlobe (soft part of the ear), one of the most common and traditional types.

   - Simple jewelry like small rings or studs can be worn.

- Helix Piercing:

   - A hole is made in the upper parts of the ear, either on the outer or inner part.

   - Various jewelry like small circles or straight pieces stretched along the upper edge can be used.

- Tragus Piercing:

   - The piercing is done in the small piece located at the front of the ear, directly in front of the ear canal entrance.

   - Small and distinctive jewelry such as small circles or other attention-catching shapes can be used.

- Rook Piercing:

   - The piercing is made in the small fold between the upper part of the ear and the outer edge.

   - Different jewelry such as small circular pieces or more intricate shapes that complement the fold can be used.


There are several common types of nose piercing, including:

- Nostril Piercing:

   - The piercing is done in the fleshy part of the nostril.

   - Various jewelry like small rings, studs, or circular pieces can be worn.

- Septum Piercing:

   - The piercing is made in the middle part that separates the two nasal openings.

   - Jewelry such as rings or varied shapes that encircle the nose like a crescent can be used.

- Bridge Piercing:

   - The piercing is done in the bridge between the eyes on the nose.

   - Straight or non-straight jewelry that rests over the bridge is used.


There are various common types of mouth piercing, which include:

- Tongue Piercing:

   - The hole is made through the front part of the tongue.

   - Different jewelry like large rings or spherical pieces can be used.

- Lower Lip Piercing:

   - The piercing is done on the lower lip.

   - Jewelry like small circular pieces or varied shapes can be used here.

- Upper Lip Piercing:

   - The piercing is done on the upper lip.

   - Sometimes, jewelry like small rings or studs is used.

- Smiley Piercing:

   - The piercing is done in the lower part of the mouth near the upper gum.

   - Small jewelry connected to the teeth and hidden upon natural mouth closure is often used.

- Lateral Tongue Piercing:

   - The hole is made on the side of the tongue rather than the front.

   - Unique jewelry that spans across the tongue can be used.


There are different common types of navel piercing, including:

- Navel Piercing:

   - The hole is made in the belly button or upper navel.

   - Various jewelry options like metal rings or small circular pieces are available.

- Vertical Navel Piercing:

   - The jewelry is inserted vertically from the top to the bottom of the navel.

   - Long, straight jewelry that fits the shape of the navel is used.

- Inverse Navel Piercing:

   - The hole is made in the lower part of the navel, usually below it.

   - Small circular pieces or rings can be used.

- Surface Navel Piercing:

   - The hole is placed on the skin's surface around the navel area.

   - Often, flat or level jewelry is used to suit the skin's shape.


There are several common types of eyebrow piercing, such as:

- *Vertical Eyebrow Piercing:

   - The piercing is made vertically through the eyebrow.

   - Jewelry like small rings or studs placed vertically through the eyebrow is used.

- Horizontal Eyebrow Piercing:

   - The hole is inserted horizontally through the eyebrow.

   - Usually, jewelry like small rings or curved shapes wrapping around the eyebrow is used.

- Multiple Eyebrow Piercing:

   - Multiple holes can be placed in the eyebrow, either horizontally or vertically.

   - Various jewelry like small rings or circular pieces is used in this type of piercing.


There are various types of chest piercing, including:

- Nipple Piercing:

   - The piercing is done around the nipple.

   - Various jewelry like small rings or distinctive shapes can be used for decoration.

- Chest Surface Piercing:

   - The piercing is inserted in the external part of the chest next to the breast.

   - Flat or level jewelry that fits the skin's shape in this area is used.

- Sternum Piercing:

   - The piercing is made in the sternum, the central part of the chest.

   - Long or straight jewelry stretching across the sternum can be used.

- Cleavage Piercing:

   - The piercing is done in the cleavage area between the breasts.

   - Jewelry like small rings or varied shapes appearing in the cleavage area can be used.


Before undergoing a piercing procedure, it's essential to follow certain instructions and take necessary precautions to ensure the success of the procedure and minimize potential risks. Here are some important instructions:

- Research and Preparation:

   - Research qualified and certified professionals at a specialized piercing store or studio.

   - Ensure the place's reputation, cleanliness, and adherence to health and safety procedures.

- Ensuring Health:

   - Confirm you are in good health before the procedure. If any specific health conditions require attention, consult a doctor before piercing.

- Skin Care:

   - Gently clean the piercing area with antiseptic soap or disinfectant solution.

   - Avoid using skincare products or creams on the area intended for piercing.

- Avoiding Beverages and Substances:

   - Refrain from consuming alcohol and stimulants before the procedure, as they might affect clotting and increase the risk of bleeding.

- Nutrition and Rest:

   - Have a light meal before the procedure and avoid prolonged fasting to prevent fainting or dizziness.

   - Try to get sufficient sleep and rest before piercing.

- Avoiding Sports or Heavy Activity:

   - Avoid engaging in intense physical activities before the procedure, as it may increase the risk of bleeding.


There are potential risks associated with piercing procedures, including:

- Infections: Infections may occur at the piercing site due to poor hygiene or improper handling of the pierced area.

- Skin Irritation: Skin irritation around the pierced area can result from jewelry friction or contact with the piercing.

- Excessive Bleeding:Excessive bleeding may occur during or after the piercing if the procedure is not performed by professionals or if proper hygiene is not maintained.

- Scar Formation: Scar formation might occur in some cases, especially if proper care is not taken after piercing or in case of infections.

- Allergic Reactions: The body may be sensitive to certain metals used in jewelry, resulting in skin reactions like itching or redness.

- Contamination and Infection: If the procedure isn't clean and uses unsterilized tools, bacterial or viral infections might occur.

It's crucial to adhere to aftercare instructions provided by piercing professionals to maintain cleanliness, safety of the pierced area, and avoid potential side effects.


In the end, piercing remains a unique expression of personal identity and individual expression. Its rich history and diverse patterns reflect the evolution of cultures and societies. However, following guidelines and proper preparation before taking any step in this direction is of utmost importance. Providing care and good sanitation to maintain health safety and prevent health complications is crucial. Whether traditional or modern, awareness of risks and compliance with guidelines ensure a safe and enjoyable experience, allowing self-expression freely and confidently.
