Car technology is an exciting and evolving field that has witnessed many innovations and challenges in the time of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has affected the car industry significantly. In this article, we will explore the impacts, challenges, opportunities, and trends of car technology in the time of corona, and how it can shape the future of mobility and transportation.

The impact of COVID-19 on the production and sales of cars in the world

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a negative impact on the production and sales of cars in the world, as the demand for cars has decreased due to lockdowns, travel restrictions, economic slowdown, and health concerns. According to the International Organization of Motor Vehicle Manufacturers (OICA), the global car production declined by 16% in 2020, reaching the lowest level since 2010. The global car sales also dropped by 14% in 2020, reaching the lowest level since 2011.

The pandemic has also disrupted the supply chains and operations of car manufacturers, as many factories had to shut down or reduce their capacity due to health and safety measures, labor shortages, and material shortages. Some of the major car manufacturers that faced production disruptions include Toyota, Volkswagen, General Motors, Ford, Hyundai, and Honda. The pandemic has also caused operational losses for many car companies, as they had to cope with lower revenues, higher costs, and lower profits. For example, Toyota reported a 74% drop in its net income in the first quarter of 2020, while Volkswagen reported a 81% drop in its net income in the same period.

The pandemic has also changed the consumer behavior and preferences regarding car ownership and usage. Some consumers have postponed or canceled their car purchases due to financial difficulties or uncertainty, while others have shifted to online or contactless car buying options to avoid physical contact and exposure. Some consumers have also opted for cheaper or more fuel-efficient cars to save money and reduce their environmental impact. On the other hand, some consumers have increased their demand for cars as a means of personal mobility and safety, especially in areas where public transportation is limited or risky. Some consumers have also shown more interest in electric and hybrid cars, as they are seen as more eco-friendly and cost-effective in the long run.

The pandemic has also prompted some government interventions and support for the car industry, as it is considered a vital sector for the economy and employment. Some of the measures taken by governments include providing financial aid, subsidies, tax breaks, loans, and guarantees for car manufacturers, dealers, and consumers; easing or postponing emission standards and targets; promoting or incentivizing electric and hybrid car adoption; and investing in infrastructure and research and development for car technology.

The car industry is expected to recover gradually from the impact of the pandemic, as the vaccination campaigns, the easing of lockdowns, and the stimulus packages boost the consumer confidence and demand. However, the recovery may vary by region, segment, and technology, depending on the severity of the pandemic, the effectiveness of the government measures, and the innovation and adaptation of the car industry. According to a report by PwC, the global car production is expected to grow by 9% in 2021, but still remain below the pre-pandemic levels until 2025. The global car sales are also expected to grow by 9% in 2021, but still remain below the pre-pandemic levels until 2023.

Challenges and opportunities of COVID-19 for electric and hybrid cars

Electric and hybrid cars are cars that use electricity as their main or partial source of power, instead of or in addition to gasoline or diesel. Electric and hybrid cars have several advantages over conventional cars, such as lower emission, lower fuel consumption, lower maintenance cost, and higher performance. Electric and hybrid cars are also considered as a key solution for reducing the greenhouse gas emission and the dependence on fossil fuels in the transportation sector, which accounts for about 24% of the global CO2 emission.

The COVID-19 pandemic has posed some challenges and opportunities for electric and hybrid cars, as it has affected their supply, demand, and development. Some of the challenges include:

  • The disruption of the supply chains and production of electric and hybrid cars and their components, such as batteries, motors, and chargers, due to the lockdowns, travel restrictions, and material shortages. For example, Tesla, the leading electric car maker, had to temporarily close its factories in the US and China, and delay the delivery of some of its models, due to the pandemic.
  • The decline of the demand for electric and hybrid cars in some markets, due to the economic slowdown, the lower consumer confidence, and the lower oil prices, which make conventional cars more attractive. For example, the sales of electric and hybrid cars in the US fell by 11% in 2020, while the sales of conventional cars fell by 15%.
  • The easing or postponing of the emission standards and targets in some countries, due to the pandemic, which reduces the pressure and the incentive for car manufacturers and consumers to adopt electric and hybrid cars. For example, the US government has rolled back the fuel economy and emission standards for cars and trucks, while the European Union has delayed the implementation of some of its emission regulations.

Some of the opportunities include:

  • The increased interest and awareness of the consumers and the society about the environmental and health benefits of electric and hybrid cars, especially in the wake of the pandemic, which has highlighted the impact of air pollution and climate change on the public health and the economy. For example, a survey by Deloitte found that 74% of the consumers in China and 66% of the consumers in Germany are more likely to consider electric and hybrid cars after the pandemic.
  • The price competitiveness and the cost-effectiveness of electric and hybrid cars, compared to conventional cars, in the medium and long term, as the technology improves, the battery cost declines, and the fuel cost increases. For example, a study by BloombergNEF found that the average cost of electric car batteries fell by 89% from 2010 to 2020, reaching $137 per kWh, and is expected to fall below $100 per kWh by 2023, which would make electric cars cheaper than conventional cars.
  • The development and improvement of the infrastructure and the technology for electric and hybrid cars, such as the charging stations, the smart grids, the battery recycling, and the vehicle-to-grid integration, with the support and investment of the governments, the car industry, and the energy sector. For example, the European Union has allocated €750 billion for its recovery plan, of which €20 billion will be dedicated to clean transport, including electric and hybrid cars.

The electric and hybrid car market is expected to grow significantly in the coming years, despite the challenges posed by the pandemic, as the opportunities outweigh the risks, and as the consumers and the governments shift to a more sustainable and resilient mobility system. According to a report by the International Energy Agency (IEA), the global electric car stock is expected to increase from 7.2 million in 2019 to 245 million in 2030, representing a 28% share of the total car stock. The global hybrid car stock is also expected to increase from 44 million in 2019 to 176 million in 2030, representing a 16% share of the total car stock.

The role of artificial intelligence and augmented reality in developing car technology during COVID-19

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the branch of computer science that deals with creating machines and systems that can perform tasks that normally require human intelligence, such as learning, reasoning, decision making, and problem solving. Augmented reality (AR) is the technology that enhances the perception of reality by overlaying digital information or images on the real world, using devices such as smartphones, tablets, glasses, or headsets.

AI and AR have played an important role in developing car technology during COVID-19, as they have improved the safety, comfort, service, learning, interaction, efficiency, and economy of car users and makers. Some of the examples of AI and AR applications in car technology during COVID-19 include:

  • Improving the safety and comfort of car users by using AI to monitor and analyze the driver's behavior, health, and mood, and to provide alerts, suggestions, or interventions to prevent accidents, fatigue, or stress. For example, Hyundai has developed a smart cruise control system that uses AI to learn the driver's driving patterns and preferences, and to adjust the speed and distance accordingly. Ford has also developed a driver monitoring system that uses AI to detect the driver's drowsiness, distraction, or impairment, and to warn the driver or activate the emergency brake if needed.
  • Providing personalized and innovative services to car users by using AI and AR to offer customized features, recommendations, or entertainment, based on the user's profile, preferences, or context. For example, Mercedes-Benz has developed a voice assistant that uses AI to understand the user's natural language and to control various functions of the car, such as navigation, music, or climate. BMW has also developed a virtual assistant that uses AR to project holographic images and information on the windshield, such as speed, traffic, or directions.
  • Enhancing the learning and training of car users and makers by using AI and AR to provide interactive and immersive experiences, feedback, and guidance, that can improve the skills, knowledge, and performance of the learners. For example, Toyota has developed a virtual reality simulator that uses AI and AR to train drivers in various scenarios and conditions, such as night driving, bad weather, or emergency situations. Volkswagen has also developed a digital platform that uses AI and AR to train workers in various tasks and processes, such as assembling, repairing, or inspecting cars.
  • Facilitating the interaction and communication of car users and makers by using AI and AR to enable seamless and convenient exchange of information, data, or messages, among the users, the cars, and the makers. For example, Tesla has developed a smart phone app that uses AI and AR to allow the user to remotely access, control, or monitor various functions of the car, such as locking, unlocking, starting, or locating the car. Volvo has also developed a customer service app that uses AI and AR to allow the user to scan the car and to identify and troubleshoot any issues or problems, or to contact the dealer or the technician if needed.
  • Achieving the efficiency and economy of car users and makers by using AI and AR to optimize the performance, consumption, and maintenance of the cars, and to reduce the costs, wastes, and emissions. For example, Nissan has developed a predictive maintenance system that uses AI and AR to monitor and analyze the condition and performance of the car, and to alert the user or the maker of any potential faults or failures, or to schedule a service or a repair. Honda has also developed a smart charging system that uses AI and AR to manage and optimize the charging of electric and hybrid cars, based on the user's preferences, the grid's capacity, and the electricity's price.

Future trends for self-driving cars and car-to-car and car-to-infrastructure communication in the time of COVID-19

Self-driving cars are cars that can drive themselves without human intervention, using sensors, cameras, radars, lidars, maps, and software, to perceive the environment, plan the route, and control the speed, steering, and braking. Car-to-car and car-to-infrastructure communication are technologies that enable the exchange of information, data, or messages, among the cars, and between the cars and the infrastructure, such as traffic lights, signs, or roads, using wireless networks, protocols, and standards.

Self-driving cars and car-to-car and car-to-infrastructure communication are expected to be the future trends of car technology in the time of COVID-19, as they have the potential to transform the mobility and transportation system, and to offer various benefits, such as reducing accidents and congestion, saving time and money, increasing well-being and enjoyment, overcoming the challenges of regulation and security, and changing the culture and values of the society. Some of the examples of self-driving cars and car-to-car and car-to-infrastructure communication in the time of COVID-19 include:

  • Reducing accidents and congestion by using self-driving cars and car-to-car and car-to-infrastructure communication to improve the safety, coordination, and efficiency of the traffic flow, and to avoid or mitigate collisions, errors, or delays. For example, Waymo, the leading self-driving car company, has tested and deployed its self-driving cars in various cities in the US, and has claimed that its cars are safer and smoother than human drivers, as they can detect and react to various situations and hazards, such as pedestrians, cyclists, or animals. Ford has also tested and deployed its car-to-car and car-to-infrastructure communication system in various cities in the US and Europe, and has claimed that its system can reduce the travel time and the fuel consumption, by adjusting the speed and the route, based on the traffic and the signal information.
  • Saving time and money by using self-driving cars and car-to-car and car-to-infrastructure communication to optimize the utilization, allocation, and distribution of the cars, and to reduce the ownership, operation, and maintenance costs. For example, Uber, the leading ride-hailing company, has partnered with various self-driving car companies, such as Volvo, Toyota, and Aurora, to offer self-driving car services to its customers, and to lower its labor and insurance costs. Amazon, the leading e-commerce company, has also invested in various self-driving car companies, such as Zoox, Rivian, and Aurora, to use self-driving cars for its delivery and logistics operations, and to lower its transportation and delivery costs.
  • Increasing well-being and enjoyment by using self-driving cars and car-to-car and car-to-infrastructure communication to enhance the comfort, convenience, and entertainment of the car users, and to provide new and diverse experiences and services. For example, Audi, the leading luxury car maker, has developed a concept car that uses self-driving technology and car-to-car and car-to-infrastructure communication to transform the car into a living and working space, where the user can relax, work, or play, while the car drives itself. Disney, the leading entertainment company, has also patented a technology that uses self-driving cars and car-to-car and car-to-infrastructure communication to create immersive and interactive stories and games for the car users, where the car becomes a character and a prop in the story or the game.
  • Overcoming the challenges of regulation and security by using self-driving cars and car-to-car and car-to-infrastructure communication to comply with the laws, standards, and policies, and to protect the privacy, data, and safety of the car users and makers. For example, the US Department of Transportation has issued a guidance document that outlines the principles and best practices for the development, testing, and deployment of self-driving cars and car-to-car and car-to-infrastructure communication, such as ensuring the safety, performance, and compatibility of the technologies, and addressing the ethical, legal, and social issues. IBM, the leading technology company, has also developed a platform that uses blockchain and encryption to secure and manage the data and transactions of self-driving cars and car-to-car and car-to-infrastructure communication, such as identity, location, speed, or payment.
  • Changing the culture and values of the society by using self-driving cars and car-to-car and car-to-infrastructure communication to influence the behavior, attitude, and perception of the car users and makers, and to create new and different modes and models of mobility and transportation. For example, Google, the leading internet company, has launched a self-driving car project called Waymo One, which aims to provide a shared and accessible mobility service for everyone, regardless of their age, ability, or income, and to promote a more sustainable and inclusive mobility system. Tesla, the leading electric car maker, has also launched a self-driving car project called Tesla Network, which aims to create a peer-to-peer mobility network, where the car owners can rent out their self-driving cars to other users, and to generate income and value from their cars.

Benefits and risks of using smartphones as digital keys for cars in the time of COVID-19

Smartphones are devices that combine the functions of a phone and a computer, such as making calls, sending messages, browsing the internet, taking pictures, playing games, or using applications. Digital keys are technologies that use smartphones to access, control, or monitor various functions of the cars, such as locking, unlocking, starting, or locating the car, using wireless communication, such as Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, or NFC.

Using smartphones as digital keys for cars has some benefits and risks in the time of COVID-19, as it affects the convenience, security, and health of the car users and makers. Some of the benefits include:

  • Easy access and sharing of the cars by using smartphones as digital keys, as the car users do not need to carry or use physical keys, and can access or share the cars with other users, such as family, friends, or colleagues, using their smartphones. This can increase the convenience and flexibility of the car users, especially in the time of COVID-19, where physical contact and exposure are limited or risky. For example, Hyundai has developed a digital key app that uses smartphones to unlock, start, or park the car, and to share the digital key with up to four other users, who can also control the car's settings, such as seat position, temperature, or music.
  • Reducing infection and pollution by using smartphones as digital keys, as the car users do not need to touch or exchange physical keys, which can carry germs or viruses, and can reduce the use of metal or plastic materials, which can harm the environment. This can improve the health and sustainability of the car users and the society, especially in the time of COVID-19, where hygiene and ecology are essential and critical. For example, Volvo has developed a digital key app that uses smartphones to replace the physical keys, and to reduce the waste and emission of the key production and distribution.
  • Providing data and information by using smartphones as digital keys, as the car users can access, store, or transmit various data and information about the car, such as location, status, performance, or usage, using their smartphones. This can enhance the security, management, and optimization of the car users and makers, especially in the time of COVID-19, where data and information are valuable and useful. For example, BMW has developed a digital key app that uses smartphones to track, monitor, or diagnose the car, and to provide alerts, reports, or suggestions to the user or the maker.

Some of the risks include:

  • Risk of theft and hacking by using smartphones as digital keys, as the car users can lose, forget, or damage their smartphones, or have their smartphones stolen, hacked, or cloned, which can compromise the access, control, or security of the car. This can endanger the safety, privacy, and property of the car users and makers, especially in the time of COVID-19, where cyberattacks and crimes are increasing and evolving. For example, a hacker group called Carbanak has reportedly stolen millions of dollars from various car companies, by hacking their digital key systems and remotely accessing their cars.
  • Need for compatibility and update by using smartphones as digital keys, as the car users need to have compatible and updated smartphones, software, and hardware, to access, control, or monitor the car, using their smartphones. This can increase the cost, complexity, and dependency of the car users and makers, especially in the time of COVID-19, where technology is changing and advancing rapidly. For example, Apple has introduced a digital key feature that uses smartphones to unlock and start the car, but it only works with certain models of iPhones, Apple Watches, and cars, and it requires the latest iOS and software updates.

Effective ways to teach and train new drivers using car technology in the time of COVID-19

Teaching and training new drivers are important and challenging tasks, as they require the acquisition and development of various skills, knowledge, and attitudes, that are essential and relevant for driving safely, efficiently, and responsibly. Car technology is a useful and powerful tool, that can assist and enhance the teaching and training of new drivers, by providing various features, functions, and facilities, that can improve the learning and performance of the learners.

Car technology can be used in effective ways to teach and train new drivers in the time of COVID-19, as it can overcome some of the limitations and difficulties that are posed by the pandemic, such as social distancing, travel restrictions, health risks, or resource constraints. Some of the effective ways to use car technology to teach and train new drivers in the time of COVID-19 include:

  • Using simulation and virtual reality to teach and train new drivers, as they can provide realistic and immersive scenarios and environments, where the learners can practice and experience various driving situations and conditions, such as traffic, weather, or emergencies, without the risk of accidents, injuries, or damages. This can improve the safety, confidence, and competence of the learners, especially in the time of COVID-19, where physical driving practice and exposure are limited or risky. For example, Honda has developed a driving simulator that uses virtual reality to teach and train new drivers, by simulating various driving scenarios and providing feedback and guidance to the learners.
  • Benefiting from applications and electronic platforms to teach and train new drivers, as they can provide interactive and accessible content and resources, such as videos, quizzes, games, or manuals, that can teach and test the learners on various driving topics and skills, such as rules, signs, or maneuvers. This can improve the knowledge, understanding, and retention of the learners, especially in the time of COVID-19, where traditional driving classes and materials are limited or unavailable. For example, Toyota has developed a driving app that uses gamification to teach and train new drivers, by providing various driving challenges and rewards, and by tracking and evaluating the learners' progress and performance.
  • Adhering to health guidelines and rules to teach and train new drivers, as they can ensure the safety, health, and well-being of the learners and the instructors, who are involved in the driving teaching and training process, by following the preventive and protective measures, such as wearing masks, sanitizing hands, or ventilating cars. This can reduce the risk of infection and transmission of the virus, especially in the time of COVID-19, where the pandemic is still ongoing and serious. For example, the UK government has issued a guidance document that outlines the health guidelines and rules for driving instructors and learners, such as checking the symptoms, cleaning the car, or limiting the contact.
  • Learning from successful experiences and practices to teach and train new drivers, as they can provide valuable and useful insights and lessons, that can improve the quality and effectiveness of the driving teaching and training process, by adopting or adapting the best methods, techniques, or strategies, that have been proven or tested by other learners, instructors, or experts. This can improve the outcomes and satisfaction of the learners and the instructors, especially in the time of COVID-19, where the driving teaching and training process is challenging and uncertain. For example, the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety has conducted a research study that identifies the successful experiences and practices for teaching and training new drivers, such as involving the parents, setting the goals, or providing the feedback.


Car technology is a fascinating and dynamic field that has been affected and influenced by the COVID-19 pandemic, in various ways and aspects. In this article, we have discussed the impacts, challenges, opportunities, and trends of car technology in the time of corona, and how it can help the car users and makers to cope with, adapt to, and benefit from the pandemic situation. We have also explored some of the examples and applications of car technology in the time of corona, such as electric and hybrid cars, artificial intelligence and augmented reality, self-driving cars and car-to-car and car-to-infrastructure communication, and smartphones as digital keys. We have also suggested some of the effective ways to use car technology to teach and train new drivers in the time of corona, such as simulation and virtual reality, applications and electronic platforms, health guidelines and rules, and successful experiences and practices. We hope that this article has provided you with some useful and interesting information and insights about car technology in the time of corona, and that you have enjoyed reading it. Thank you for your attention and interest. 
