Smartphones are one of the most popular and useful devices in the modern world. They offer a wide range of functions and features, such as communication, entertainment, education, health, finance, and more. However, smartphones also come with some challenges and risks, such as distraction, addiction, stress, privacy, and security. Moreover, smartphones are not perfect, and they can sometimes malfunction, break, or get lost. Therefore, it is important to be aware of the common mistakes and problems with smartphones, and how to avoid or solve them. In this article, we will explore some of the most common mistakes and problems with smartphones, and how to avoid or solve them.

 1. Not backing up your data

One of the most common mistakes with smartphones is not backing up your data. Your data includes your photos, videos, messages, contacts, documents, and other files that are stored on your smartphone. If you do not back up your data regularly, you may lose them if your smartphone gets damaged, stolen, or lost. You may also lose them if you accidentally delete them, or if your smartphone gets infected by malware or viruses. Therefore, it is important to back up your data regularly, either to a cloud service, such as Google Drive, iCloud, or OneDrive, or to an external device, such as a computer, a hard drive, or a USB flash drive. By doing so, you can protect your data from loss or damage, and restore them easily if needed.

 2. Not updating your software

Another common mistake with smartphones is not updating your software. Your software includes your operating system, such as Android or iOS, and your apps, such as Facebook, WhatsApp, or Instagram. If you do not update your software regularly, you may miss out on the latest features, improvements, and bug fixes that are released by the developers. You may also expose your smartphone to various security risks, such as hacking, phishing, or data breaches. Therefore, it is important to update your software regularly, either automatically or manually, depending on your settings and preferences. By doing so, you can optimize your smartphone performance and functionality, and enhance your smartphone security and privacy.

 3. Not using a screen protector or a case

A third common mistake with smartphones is not using a screen protector or a case. Your screen protector and your case are accessories that can protect your smartphone from physical damage, such as scratches, cracks, or dents. If you do not use a screen protector or a case, you may damage your smartphone if you drop it, bump it, or spill something on it. You may also reduce the resale value of your smartphone if it looks worn out or broken. Therefore, it is important to use a screen protector and a case for your smartphone, preferably ones that are compatible with your smartphone model and size. By doing so, you can extend the lifespan and appearance of your smartphone, and save money on repairs or replacements.

 4. Not cleaning your smartphone

A fourth common mistake with smartphones is not cleaning your smartphone. Your smartphone can get dirty from various sources, such as dust, dirt, grease, or germs. If you do not clean your smartphone regularly, you may affect its performance and functionality, such as the touch screen, the camera, or the speakers. You may also harm your health and hygiene, as your smartphone can harbor bacteria and viruses that can cause infections or diseases. Therefore, it is important to clean your smartphone regularly, using a soft cloth, a cotton swab, and a mild cleaner, such as alcohol or water. By doing so, you can maintain your smartphone performance and functionality, and improve your health and hygiene.

 5. Not managing your battery

A fifth common mistake with smartphones is not managing your battery. Your battery is the component that powers your smartphone, and it can degrade over time and use. If you do not manage your battery properly, you may reduce its capacity and performance, and shorten its lifespan. You may also run out of battery when you need it the most, such as when you are traveling, working, or studying. Therefore, it is important to manage your battery properly, by following some tips and tricks, such as:

  •  Charging your battery when it is between 20% and 80%, and avoiding overcharging or undercharging it.
  •  Using the power saving mode or the low battery mode when you need to conserve battery.
  •  Turning off or reducing the brightness, volume, vibration, and notifications of your smartphone when you do not need them.
  •  Closing or uninstalling the apps that consume a lot of battery, such as games, videos, or social media.
  •  Avoiding exposing your smartphone to extreme temperatures, such as too hot or too cold.

By doing so, you can optimize your battery capacity and performance, and extend its lifespan.

 6. Not securing your smartphone

A sixth common mistake with smartphones is not securing your smartphone. Your smartphone can contain a lot of personal and sensitive information, such as your passwords, bank accounts, credit cards, photos, videos, messages, and contacts. If you do not secure your smartphone, you may lose or compromise your information if your smartphone gets lost, stolen, or accessed by someone else. You may also face legal or financial consequences if your information gets misused or abused. Therefore, it is important to secure your smartphone, by following some tips and tricks, such as:

  •  Locking your smartphone with a password, a PIN, a pattern, a fingerprint, or a face recognition.
  •  Encrypting your data with a built-in or a third-party encryption tool, such as BitLocker, FileVault, or VeraCrypt.
  •  Using a VPN (virtual private network) service to protect your online activity and data from hackers, trackers, or censors.
  •  Installing and updating an antivirus or a firewall software to protect your smartphone from malware, viruses, or other cyber threats.
  •  Being careful and cautious when downloading apps, opening links, or connecting to networks, and avoiding suspicious or untrusted sources.

By doing so, you can protect your information from loss or compromise, and safeguard your identity and reputation.

 7. Not using your smartphone wisely

A seventh common mistake with smartphones is not using your smartphone wisely. Your smartphone can be a great tool for learning, working, or entertainment, but it can also be a source of distraction, addiction, or stress. If you do not use your smartphone wisely, you may affect your productivity, performance, or quality of work or study. You may also harm your physical, mental, or emotional health, such as your eyesight, your sleep, your mood, or your relationships. Therefore, it is important to use your smartphone wisely, by following some tips and tricks, such as:

  •  Setting your goals and priorities, and using your smartphone to help you achieve them, not to hinder them.
  •  Limiting your screen time and usage, and taking breaks and pauses from your smartphone, especially before bedtime.
  •  Balancing your online and offline activities, and spending more time on meaningful and fulfilling things, such as hobbies, sports, or socializing.
  •  Being mindful and aware of your smartphone habits, and changing or improving them if they are unhealthy or harmful.
  •  Seeking help and support if you have a problem or a difficulty with your smartphone, such as addiction, anxiety, or depression.

By doing so, you can use your smartphone in a positive and beneficial way, and improve your well-being and happiness.


Smartphones are amazing and versatile devices that can offer many benefits and advantages to their users. However, they also come with some challenges and risks, and they can sometimes cause mistakes and problems. Therefore, it is important to be aware of the common mistakes and problems with smartphones, and how to avoid or solve them. By following the steps and tips outlined in this article, you can use your smartphone in a smart and sensible way, and enjoy the best of both worlds.
